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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What Changes Constantly, Surprisingly and Swiftly?

Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage

Chapter 3  - Marriage and History is quite an indepth look at marriage and can have some pretty deep parts that I found myself scanning over rather quickly.  Maybe I was looking for more of an easy read, but this chapter is not that!

Life is full of change and I do like her explanation of marriage that it changes, Constantly, Surprisingly and Swiftly!  What a ride!

I don't think I had ever really thought about all the different legal and cultural definitions of marriage.  So easy to get caught up in my Western only thinking.

I do know (myself included), that when many people go through a divorce there are as she says, "currents of shame".  These can wash over you at in time it sees.  And often stay longer than what we thought they would.

Then she asks the questions, "Would it be better to marry than be deported?" 

What would you tell her?!

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